Hosted by Anglo American and GlobeScan

Anglo American and GlobeScan would like to thank all contributors to the SDG Leadership Goal 16 Forum

The SDG Leadership Forum for Goal 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions was hosted by Anglo American and GlobeScan on Wednesday 26th June 2019. In this live, online discussion, we brought together a wide range of stakeholders to discuss transparency, anti-corruption, institutional capacity building and effective policy support, and to explore the potential for business and other societal actors to make SDG 16 a priority and collaborate for positive impact. We were joined by expert guest contributors as well as 82 participants from 18 countries around the world. 

You can still access the discussion by logging in on the right hand side and then clicking on the discussion topic. We will also share a summary report with all registrants in the coming weeks.

Our online conversation provided an excellent opportunity for collaboration in uncovering key challenges, inspiring new thinking and sharing best practice solutions to help us all to turn our ideas into actions for SDG 16 progress.

This event was the ninth in GlobeScan's SDG Leadership Series. To find out about the other events in the Series please visit GlobeScan's website here.

Please note that all of our SDG Leadership Forums can be accessed with the same log in details - there is no need to re-register for each event.